You know your business is growing. Sales are improving and you are increasing employee headcount to help you meet the various business needs that growth demands. Your challenge is that you don't think you currently have the capacity to dedicate a full time resource to help develop your people effectively, sufficient to optimise the contribution that each employee can add to your business.
You might even have competent senior people and line managers who certainly have the skills and knowledge to more effectively develop people within your business. The problem is, you are all so busy with the day to day hustle and bustle of keeping the wheels turning and the business moving forward that none of those competent people can spare the time to put sufficient emphasis on successful people development.
Outsourcing these activities could be the solution you may be looking for. Outsourcing your people development could be structured in a way that meets short-term needs with fresh people for quick, focused activities. Competent outsourcing would ensure that core skills are embedded in your organisation through a coaching type approach to skills transfer.
Complete People Development has a three tiered approach to people development that could be introduced to your business to create structured learning and development focused on skills and knowledge transfer. Further, the approach establishes learning objectives linked to your business' strategic and operational objectives. This allows for regular, accurate monitoring of people development to ensure that your outsourced activities add true value to your your organisation's long term performance.
To determine how our outsourcing solution could add value to your business and help you Prosper Through People, please click on the link below to book a strategy call.