Learning and Development

So, you say to me, "We already do 'training'". But is training what you and your business really needs? And, if you are 'doing training', I ask you in return, "Is training delivering you the business and people development objectives that will underpin improved performance, now and into the future?"  That is why you do training isn't it?  Or are you providing training to your people because it makes you look like an employer who cares and who wants to provide opportunities for your people to develop workplace skills, knowledge,  talents or abilities.

Whatever your business reason for providing workplace training, my deeper questions are:   

  • Do you know what impact that training is having on your business performance?
  • Do you monitor the outcomes of the learning events your people attend or become involved in?
  • Can you articulate the behavioural or business changes that occur as a result of your investment in training?

At Complete People Development we look beyond the traditional approach to training.  To enable real value for your business we help you change your focus from an event based 'training' approach to a systems based learning and development process. Amongst other things, you can access our expertise in the following:

  • Tailored, facilitated business specific development programs
  • Implementation of the PASSAM business learning process
  • Blended learning including application of the principles of the 70:20:10 learning model
  • Emphasis on facilitating learning transfer from event acquired knowledge to improved workplace performance
  • Working with line managers to coach learners; encouraging lasting behavior change

To find out how your business can Prosper Through People, book a strategy call
